上網好奇查了一下Global underground 035的消息,結果發現是辦在秘魯的首都利馬(Lima),然後操刀的又是GU城市選輯系列裡頭佔最大比例的老面孔:Nick Warren ! 不知他跟GU的約簽多久,不過倒也有點懷念以前的那些老人(Paul Oakenfold, Danny Tenaglia之類的)能不能也繼續在這個系列出現....
後來順道找到了一篇Nick Warren的interview,裡頭算是有稍微帶到這張專輯的資訊....
During WMC, I had the luck of running into Nick Warren during the Global Underground pre-release party for Sasha's upcoming Involver 2 CD. Always the friendly DJ, Nick chatted about his upcoming projects, his respect for Sasha, new music from Way Out West, and his long-term relationship with Global Underground.
DJ Ron Slomowicz: You are spinning tonight for Sasha's Involver 2 CD pre-release party.
(Nick Warren幫Sasha的Involver 2的pre-release party暖場)
Nick Warren: Yes. As a DJ, Involver was the one album by a DJ that I actually took some notice of. Sasha's always ahead of the game.
RS: What's your relationship with Sasha?
Nick Warren: Sasha and I have known each other for the last fifteen years, we were friends, like brothers.
RS: How many CDs have you had on Global Underground?
Nick Warren: Seven so far, and we're just signing the new contracts to do two more. I'm a very loyal person and we've worked together well. There's been great offers from other companies which I've thought about but I always turn down- because are like family.
RS: And once you're at the best label, why go anywhere else?
Nick Warren: Yes, exactly.
RS: I read that you're the best selling Global Underground DJ. How does that make you feel?
Nick Warren: It's great, but then again so many DJs don't see it as long-term and that's always been my goal. When I started DJing it wasn't about me being number one DJ, it was about me doing this as a career and so I needed a company that number one I would trust and number two I would believe in. You get what you put in, and for Global underground it's like everything.
RS: I heard you had a funny Prada experience lately.
Nick Warren: Yes, it was just an amazing thing. On the last Global Underground CD, there was a downtempo CD that has been played in many places like chain stores and record stores. I walked into the Prada store in New York and I saw a jacket and I thought, that's a flipping great jacket, and they had it for seven hundred bucks. I was like I can't afford to pay seven hundred bucks for a jacket. Suddenly my album comes on and I'm like OK, I'll buy the jacket.
(這段經歷很有趣XD... 上一張在花都巴黎出的CD1是舒緩的Downtempo,有很多店家或是連鎖店都會播放這張CD;然而有天Nick Warren踏進紐約的普拉達看見一件很帥氣的夾克,但是這件要價700bucks.. Nick很愛但是他花不下手... 就在這時候... 忽然普拉達店裡放起了Nick Warren的CD... 於是Nick還是認栽買了XDDD )
Nick Warren: They're not stupid. No, I don't think they did. I was very- I had sunglasses and a hat on and so I went in incognito.
(Nick:騙不了我的阿~ 我明明戴了墨鏡和帽子阿阿阿阿)
RS: You have a new CD coming for Global Underground. What's the city behind it?
Nick Warren: It's Lima in Peru.
RS: What's the musical idea?
Nick Warren: It's going to be very uplifting and fairly clubby, four-four all the ways. I've done lots of downtempo CDs for GU but then I didn't see the point in doing one again. So it's going to be good.
RS: Speaking of things that are good – let's talk a bit about Way Out West. As part of Way Out West, you produced Ajare, one of the most amazing songs of all time that totally moved a lot of people. What was in your head when you were making that song?
Nick Warren: It was the coming together of me and Jody - him coming from a drum and bass background and me from and indie. I was an indie boy, a Balearic house boy, and merging those two sounds, which was the ethereal string, the musical side of indie and the bass and drums of hip-hop and drum and bass.
RS: What's up with Way Out West?
Nick Warren: We're about to complete the new album. Jody and I have gone back to our roots really. There's not only one vocalist, we've not used Donna this time so we've used a couple of guys and it's the first time that we've used male vocalists. We've gone back to our roots really, with lots of sampling and lifting the beauty of dance music.
(way out west的新專輯也快了,這次首次使用男聲!!)
RS: Is it difficult working with a male vocalist versus a female vocalist?
Nick Warren: No, it's slightly easy because the guys aren't as much work as the girls really. The girls always say "Oh my god, I can't do this." All we need is robots. Robots would be easier, because we work with machines and a machine always works, the synthesizer never has a mood, the synthesizer never had a period. They work every day.
RS: Speaking of synthesizers, are you Mac or PC?
Nick Warren: Oh, Mac.
RS: Logic, Cubase?
Nick Warren: Ableton has got so strong now, we use Ableton and we use ProTools, and still some Logic, it's all good. The secret now is to use everything. Don't limit yourself, use everything that's available.
RS: When you're DJing, are you CD or laptop?
Nick Warren: I'm CD. I don't want to look like I am opening eMails – laptop DJing doesn't work for me.
(哈哈 看來Nick Warren這方面還蠻傳統的,不想讓人以為他在放歌的時候收e-mail XDDD)
RS: What advice to you have to up-and-coming DJs and producers?
Nick Warren: Take your time. I started DJing in '88.
RS: Ah, the Summer of Love.
Nick Warren: So that's twenty years, and I've still not made my best record and I'm still not up in my best set, so don't rush, keep on. Look at it as a long-term relationship, don't expect everything to happen at once. So take your time, don't play rubbish, don't follow other people.
RS: What would you like to say to all your fans out there?
Nick Warren: Don't stop enjoying yourself, you know, it's all meant to be fun. Don't take it too seriously and love is what it's all about.
Posted April 29, 2008