目前分類:愛歌(nubreed 最愛芭樂歌系列) (50)

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inotherwords 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今年BBC Radio 1的強檔真是一波又一波,本週輪到我期待已久的Deadmau 5 !!

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你講昨暝歸暗睏不去 不知有什麼煩惱的代誌

哪知心頭憂悶阮不知 甘是花樣的年華心空虛

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Please excuse me but I got to ask
Are you only being nice
Because you want something

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作詞:伍佰 作曲:伍佰

夏夜裡的晚風 吹拂著妳在我懷中
妳的秀髮蓬鬆 纏繞著我隨風飄動

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片段中 有些散落
還不懂 這一秒鐘
怎麼舉動; 怎麼好好地和誰牽手


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There comes a day in your life when you wanna kick back
Straw hat on the porch when you old perhaps
Wanna gather your thoughts, have a cold one

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     曲︰劉以達      詞︰周耀輝

     遙遙呼應 卻永遠走不近

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版本 1 : Kid Loco - Love me sweet (tommy hools remix)

Me and my babe went to the show
I and babe went to the show

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I wanna try that pill that people take
Make you believe all the things that people say

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Precious and fragile things
Need special handling
My God what have we done to You?

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作詞:伍佰 / 作曲:伍佰


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Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,

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作詞:陳明章 作曲:陳明章

千江水 千江月 千里帆 千重山 千里江山 我最水
萬里月 萬里城 萬里愁 萬里煙 萬里風霜 我最妖嬌

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渺然的 青春時 曾經放浪的秋天
黯然的 野花時 懷念綻紅的胭脂
疲累啊 愛人啊 走找心愛已經十年
妳在海角還是天邊 咁知我深深思念妳

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詞:可樂王 曲:陳珊妮


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詞:Deserts / 曲:Deserts

我喜歡永恆的短暫 化主動為被動的昏暗

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