
Depeche Mode - Freelove

If you've been hiding from love
If you've been hiding from love
I can understand where you're coming from
I can understand where you're coming from

If you've suffered enough
If you've suffered enough
I can understand what you're thinking of
I can see the pain that you're frightened of

And I'm only here
To bring you free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love

I've been running like you
I've been running like you
Now you understand why I'm running scared
Now you understand why I'm running scared

I've been searching for truth
I've been searching for truth
And I haven't been getting anywhere
No I haven't been getting anywhere

And I'm only here
To bring you free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love

Hey girl
You've got to take this moment
Then let it slip away
Let go of complicated feelings
Then there's no price to pay

We've been running from love
We've been running from love
And we don't know what we're doing here
No we don't know what we're doing here

We're only here
Sharing our free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love


推薦: 1. depeche mode - Free Love (Deep Dish Bootleg Mix)


   在大二上那年,Global Underground推出第21集(在Moscow的那張),邀來了Deep Dish這對DJ雙人組合,而我被這張專輯深沉的浩室節拍所吸引,整個set的感覺很不同於以往的GU系列。我記得專輯入手是在秋末冬初之時,天氣已漸漸涼了,不知道是否與表演地點Moscow有關,我覺得整張專輯的節奏好重,曲風又冰冰冷冷的,讓人透不過氣來(加上那時剛帶完迎新宿營回來,很累,然後接著生了一場病...)聽起來頭好痛喔...不過亂有感覺的。在這之後我就對Deep Dish產生極大的興趣,於是在網路上瘋狂蒐尋其相關作品:Live set、混音過的單曲,這首歌就是在那時候無意抓到的。(後來該年底放寒假前,找了其第一張創作專輯Junk Science,那張也很正點,不過那又是另一段事了...) 

   歸正傳,來談這首歌吧... 我初聽這首歌時,就覺得很對味....。Deep Dish開場就使用強而有力的Loop,跑了兩分多鐘才出現Vocal...。 起初的印象是覺得抓到了一首很有力量、旋律很不錯的舞曲,聽了數次後,去尋找歌詞才知道原來這首歌是 Depeche Mode(流行尖端)唱的。然而後來這首歌也幫我鎖住了大二下學期的回憶。其實這算首悲傷的歌,歌詞大概述說男方提出分手或要將這段感情結束、劃清界線的歌曲。在大一下到大二時,曾經喜歡過一位女生,但是我的個性就是怕羞又有色無膽,喜歡又不敢追....總是藏在心理窮著急,當時真的是一段挺尷尬又落魄的日子(現在想想挺好笑的...)不過後來大二上時,輾轉得知人家交男朋友了,愛鑽牛角尖的我就又頹廢了好一陣子...。  幸好大二下想開了,決定力圖振作,原本就很喜歡的這首歌成了我療傷止痛的聖品,當主唱磁性略帶苦澀緩緩地唱出"Let's make it clear, No hidden catch, No strings attached, Just free love"我知道我已經好很多了。 


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