Revvin' up your engine
Listen to her howlin' roar
Metal under tension
Beggin' you to touch and go
Highway to the Danger Zone
Ride into the Danger Zone
Headin' into twilight
Spreadin' out her wings tonight
She got you jumpin' off the track
And shovin' into overdrive
Highway to the Danger Zone
I'll take you
Right into the Danger Zone
You'll never say hello to you
Until you get it on the red line overload
You'll never know what you can do
Until you get it up as high as you can go
Out along the edges
Always where I burn to be
The further on the edge
The hotter the intensity
Highway to the Danger Zone
Gonna take you
Right into the Danger Zone
Highway to the Danger Zone
老實說,最近放假真的放的太爽啦,什麼傅柯 德西達 布希亞 李維史陀 索緒爾統統被我拋到九霄雲外去了,整日吃吃喝喝,晚上11點多就睡了,隔天睡到快九點才爬起來...
唉唉... 放假前計畫的魔鬼健身計畫大概執行不到兩天就打住了,再加上快過年了,家裡的東西真的是好吃到暴.... 不行 不行..... 我要振作.... 我不想被歸類為小胖哥阿~~~
昨天在大賣場買了機巴中強力推薦的健美輪,沒錯,正所謂少年得肚大不幸阿~~~ 希望可以去除那萬惡淵藪的贅肉,我不想成為副總阿(腹部很腫 = = ...... )
這首歌就是汗味戰士, 喔喔.... 更正,是捍衛戰士(大陸譯:好大的ㄧ支槍)的主題曲,是首年代久遠的熱血歌曲...
因為今早隨意翻翻家裡的電腦的資料夾才想起今年夏天有下載到這首歌的鼓打貝斯混音版,可惜我忘了是誰混音的..... 鼓打貝斯節奏搭的真妙, 感覺超熱血的,也讓我燃起了魔鬼健身計畫的雄心壯志!!!!
好啦.... 其實這篇文章沒啥重點..... 我坦承是因為覺得放假了沒在網誌寫些東西好像怪怪的 所以拿來充版面用的啦 :p ......
- Jan 25 Wed 2006 09:58
Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone