Give me release
witness me
I am outside
give me peace
Heaven holds a sense of wonder
and I wanted to believe
that I'd get caught up
when the rage in me subsides
In this white wave
I am sinking
in this silence
in this white wave
in this silence
I believe
Passion chokes the flower
'til she cries no more
possessing all the beauty
hungry still for more
Heaven holds a sense of wonder...
I can't help this longing
comfort me
I can't hold it all in
if you won't let me
Heaven holds a sense of wonder...
In this white wave
I am sinking
in this silence
in this white wave
in this silence
I believe
I have seen you
in this white wave
you are silent
you are breathing
in this white wave
I am free
推薦 :1.Delerium ft. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (Michael Woods Remix)
2.Delerium ft. Sarah McLachlan - Silence (Airscape Remix)
幾年前,這首歌超紅的,一堆年度合辑(至於哪一年我也不清楚,因為當時的確對這首歌沒多大的興趣)、Big name DJ的歌單上都可見到這首歌的蹤影,而一向視voal trance多為芭樂歌的我,也不覺得這首歌很特別。
最近竟然會特別注意這首歌,我想很大的原因可能是11月參加Sasha的那場Pa的緣故吧...那天的Dj Tiger在做開場時,有播這首,在那個當下讓我印象深刻,版本是(Michael Woods Remix),這也是我最近查才知道的...。 有別於以往trance版本的高亢、激情,這個版本顯得內斂、冷靜多了,在細膩的ambient氛圍的烘托下,讓我真正仔細的聽出了Sarah McLachlan的空靈飄邈的過人唱功,這些在以往trance快速節拍和電子合成聲響下是較容易被忽略的... 另一個版本(Airscape Remix)是標準討喜的、悅耳的voal trance,令我喜愛的原因是其帶有一貫trance令人精神振奮的律動但其電子合成聲響卻又合宜的沒有過度濫情、渲染..
說實在... 看過歌詞,我也沒有把握這首歌真正想說的是什麼.... 不過Sarah McLachlan如悽如訴的歌聲真的這陣子在我的腦海中盤旋...歌名Silence和歌詞中提到的release(釋放)、Free(自由)的確是我現在最最最渴望的... 在這寒流強襲的夜晚、考試日子的日趨接近、令人心煩的研究計畫..還有近日所有的紛紛擾擾... Please... release me.... 我真的需要Silence.....